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Image by Amaury Gutierrez

GaiaTree Circle Prayer Wave

November 28-29

Image by Keagan Henman
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Your Presence is needed.

The GaiaTree Circle has met weekly since 2017, building together a sublime field of symphonic group consciousness for personal and planetary healing. At the end of each cycle we convene a 24 hour prayer wave to bless each other and our world.

This year, we are inviting friends to join us to create together a powerful blessing field for ourselves and our world in a time of great intensity.

The Prayer Wave begins with a one hour guided group meditation online. Each participant commits to a one hour and eleven minute prayer slot during the next 24 hours. The Prayer Wave closes with online group sharing and a GaiaDance to send our prayers spiraling out into the world.

Image by liu sicheng

Register Here for the GaiaTree Circle Prayer Wave

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