Something new is arising from
within the Earth herself.
As though stirring from a long slumber, the Earth is waking up, slowly STRETCHING her limbs and opening her wings.
The Earth is not a mere victim to the onslaught of the machine. She is mobilizing, becoming aware of her own agency.
The human family will either evolve to a fundamentally new way of being together, in partnership with each other and the Earth, or face the extinction of our species through our patterns of self-destruction.
The global meta-crisis is at root a crisis of global intimacy.
Global intimacy is the only response.
We are a community of practice that is enacting new forms of global intimacy.

In alignment with systems theorists, we believe that the deepest leverage point of social and planetary change is a transformation of consciousness.
We are exploring a new kind of symphonic group consciousness that honors and calls forth the uniqueness of each individual participant.
Through the power of the planetary group fields we create together, we offer:
healing for our personal and collective traumas from the past
a space to transcend the polarizing conflicts of the present, and
a portal to bring through the codes and vibrations of the future.
Alongside other like-minded groups around the world, we are helping to build the energetic infrastructure of the new Earth.
This is subtle activism for global transformation.
You are in the right place if...
You want to go beyond individual awakening to participate in the collective awakening of humanity
You understand that your personal healing and humanity’s collective transformation are inextricably linked.
You yearn to break out of your modern isolation and commune with other spiritual warriors and sacred activists around the world.

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